English to nepali meaning of

संज्ञाको रूपमा, "चट्टान" को धेरै शब्दकोश अर्थहरू छन्, जसमा:एक वा बढी खनिजहरू मिलेर बनेको पृथ्वीको क्रस्ट बन्ने ठोस खनिज पदार्थ। यस्तो पदार्थको ठूलो टुक्रा वा द्रव्यमान, प्रायः पृथ्वीको सतहमा पाइन्छ।1950 को दशकमा उत्पत्ति भएको र बलियो, ड्राइभिङ बीट र प्रयोगद्वारा विशेषता भएको लोकप्रिय संगीतको विधा। इलेक्ट्रिक गिटार, बास र ड्रमहरू।एक गति, सामान्यतया पछाडि र अगाडि, जस्तै कि रकिङ चेयरमा। क्रियापदको रूपमा, "रक" को अर्थ हो:बिस्तारै अगाडि पछाडि वा छेउबाट छेउमा सार्नु।हिंस्रक रूपमा हल्लाउनु वा हल्लाउनु।रक संगीत प्रदर्शन गर्न वा बजाउन।अस्थिर हुन वा पतनको कगारमा।

Sentence Examples

  1. Using a fire spell, she burned a hole through the ceiling, then cast an enchantment upon herself so she could jump high enough to seize an edge of the ruined rock and pull herself up onto the battlements.
  2. The panorama before her was all rock, a ruined earth.
  3. The TV aired a music video for Yaranus the Yeti rock star, whilst Adara, the chosen one, was expounding on one of his legendary feats to a group of adoring Apprentices.
  4. Molten blue lava rolled down ruined rock, trickling into rivers of magma that writhed all over the cavernous nest.
  5. Evan seized a rock from the fountain and flung it with all his strength.
  6. Behind Evan the stone wall exploded, showering them with shards of rock.
  7. The frost fire stuck the rock behind them, turning it into an icicle.
  8. Countless lumps of rock were spread around the area, growing larger in size the closer they got to the humongous mountain range.
  9. Zeke quickly smashed it to pulp, with fists transformed into rock.
  10. Evan spotted another flying billboard where a guitar wielding Padrake stood amidst a rock band, with a banshee lead singer.

TV Series Examples



Lord of Casterly Rock



First we must return to Casterly Rock



The Kingslayer rides for Casterly Rock