English to nepali meaning of

"समीक्षा" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो:(संज्ञा) यदि आवश्यक भएमा परिवर्तन स्थापना गर्ने उद्देश्यले कुनै चीजको औपचारिक मूल्याङ्कन वा परीक्षण। (क्रिया) यदि आवश्यक भएमा परिवर्तन स्थापित गर्ने उद्देश्यले औपचारिक रूपमा केहि जाँच गर्न वा मूल्याङ्कन गर्न; केहि मूल्याङ्कन वा आलोचना गर्न।


  1. reexamination
  2. follow-up
  3. followup

Sentence Examples

  1. They have to review my credentials, go over the interview notes.
  2. If I flubbed my lines, the consequences could be much worse than a bad review.
  3. And then when will I find the time to review for our exams next week?
  4. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in review.
  5. Also, please consider leaving an honest review at your favorite book retailer!
  6. If you have the time, please feel free to leave a book review.
  7. Even a short review helps get my books into the hands of other readers.
  8. The document inside, entrusted to a priest so long ago, refused to be pressed flat, and the reader had to review the words along each angled section of the paper.
  9. I know there are things I could be doing, notes I could review, chapters I could read.
  10. I would love for you to leave a review on the site you purchased the book, or drop over to Bookbub and leave a review there.