English to nepali meaning of

सन्दर्भको आधारमा "सम्मान" शब्दको फरक अर्थ हुन सक्छ। यहाँ केहि सामान्य परिभाषाहरू छन्:(संज्ञा) कसैको लागि प्रशंसा वा सम्मानको भावना वा तिनीहरूको गुण, उपलब्धि, वा स्थितिको आधारमा। उदाहरण: "मलाई मेरी हजुरआमाको बुद्धि र अनुभवको लागि ठूलो सम्मान छ।"(संज्ञा) कसैलाई देखाइएको विचार वा सम्मानको विनम्र अभिव्यक्ति, सामान्यतया अभिवादनको माध्यमबाट, इशारा, वा कार्य। उदाहरण: "कृपया आफ्ना आमाबाबुलाई देख्दा मेरो सम्मान व्यक्त गर्नुहोस्।"(बहुवचन संज्ञा) मृत्यु भएको व्यक्तिलाई श्रद्धांजलि, सामान्यतया सहानुभूतिको अभिव्यक्तिको रूपमा। वा तिनीहरूको परिवार वा साथीहरूलाई समवेदना। उदाहरण: "सम्पूर्ण समुदाय अन्त्येष्टिमा अन्तिम श्रद्धाञ्जली दिन आएको थियो।"(क्रिया) कसैलाई वा केहिलाई विनम्र व्यवहार गरेर विचार वा सम्मान देखाउन, विनम्र, वा सम्मानजनक तरिका। उदाहरण: "हामी तिनीहरूसँग सहमत नभए पनि अरूको विचारलाई आदर गर्न महत्त्वपूर्ण छ।"(क्रिया) कसैको उपलब्धि, स्थितिको लागि मान्यता वा प्रशंसा देखाउन , वा प्राधिकरण। उदाहरण: "म सधैं मेरो मालिकको निर्णयहरूको सम्मान गर्छु, मैले तिनीहरूलाई पूर्ण रूपमा नबुझे पनि।"

Sentence Examples

  1. I followed him into the funeral home to pay my respects for Abby Monroe.
  2. Peter Hawkins, Exeter, to say, with his dutiful respects, that he is sorry for his delay, and that all of his work is completed.
  3. He, however, no doubt would forgive thee, for he was the most humble-minded and courteous knight of his time, and moreover a great protector of damsels but some there are that might have heard thee, and it would not have been well for thee in that case for they are not all courteous or mannerly some are ill-conditioned scoundrels nor is it everyone that calls himself a gentleman, that is so in all respects some are gold, others pinchbeck, and all look like gentlemen, but not all can stand the touchstone of truth.
  4. Elton was proving himself, in many respects, the very reverse of what she had meant and believed him proud, assuming, conceited very full of his own claims, and little concerned about the feelings of others.
  5. At any rate, do this much, I beg of thee, Sancho, to undeceive thyself, and see that what I say is true mount thy ass and follow them quietly, and thou shalt see that when they have gone some little distance from this they will return to their original shape and, ceasing to be sheep, become men in all respects as I described them to thee at first.
  6. I say, then, that in these and other respects our gallant Don Quixote is worthy of everlasting and notable praise, nor should it be withheld even from me for the labour and pains spent in searching for the conclusion of this delightful history though I know well that if Heaven, chance and good fortune had not helped me, the world would have remained deprived of an entertainment and pleasure that for a couple of hours or so may well occupy him who shall read it attentively.
  7. Brothers, in many respects, with the Bretan being the older brother and the Niscian being the rebellious younger one.
  8. She welcomed her with great kindness, charmed as well by her beauty as by her intelligence for in both respects the fair Morisco was richly endowed, and all the people of the city flocked to see her as though they had been summoned by the ringing of the bells.
  9. Come check out the pack first, pay respects to my Alpha.
  10. I do seem to recall that he kills his entire family first but oh, well, the message is the same power respects courage.