English to nepali meaning of

"निन्दा" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो:(संज्ञा) अस्वीकृति वा निराशाको अभिव्यक्ति; आलोचना वा हप्का(क्रिया) अस्वीकृति वा निराशा व्यक्त गर्न; आलोचना वा हप्काउनुअर्को शब्दमा, कसैलाई निन्दा गर्नु भनेको उनीहरूको कार्य वा व्यवहारबाट आफ्नो असन्तुष्टि वा निराशा व्यक्त गर्नु हो, सामान्यतया आलोचनात्मक वा नकारात्मक तरिकामा। निन्दा मौखिक वा गैर-मौखिक हुन सक्छ र शब्दहरू, आवाजको स्वर, अनुहारको अभिव्यक्ति, वा इशाराहरू मार्फत व्यक्त गर्न सकिन्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. Moreover, you must remember that the beauty I possess was no choice of mine, for, be it what it may, Heaven of its bounty gave it me without my asking or choosing it and as the viper, though it kills with it, does not deserve to be blamed for the poison it carries, as it is a gift of nature, neither do I deserve reproach for being beautiful for beauty in a modest woman is like fire at a distance or a sharp sword the one does not burn, the other does not cut, those who do not come too near.
  2. To which Sancho made answer that by the law of chivalry his master had received he would not pay a rap, though it cost him his life for the excellent and ancient usage of knights-errant was not going to be violated by him, nor should the squires of such as were yet to come into the world ever complain of him or reproach him with breaking so just a privilege.
  3. It has been also made a reproach to Spain that she has erected no monument to the man she is proudest of no monument, that is to say, of him for the bronze statue in the little garden of the Plaza de las Cortés, a fair work of art no doubt, and unexceptionable had it been set up to the local poet in the market-place of some provincial town, is not worthy of Cervantes or of Madrid.
  4. Lothario said, too, that every married man should have some friend who would point out to him any negligence he might be guilty of in his conduct, for it will sometimes happen that owing to the deep affection the husband bears his wife either he does not caution her, or, not to vex her, refrains from telling her to do or not to do certain things, doing or avoiding which may be a matter of honour or reproach to him and errors of this kind he could easily correct if warned by a friend.
  5. His utterance seems far away from me, a lifetime ago, but I can still hear the hint of reproach in the tone.
  6. Needless to add, I took care before leaving to lift, for ever and adequately, this source of reproach.
  7. But that reproach, if it ever was warranted, certainly is untrue.
  8. FROM SOLISDAN To Don Quixote of La Mancha SONNET Your fantasies, Sir Quixote, it is true, That crazy brain of yours have quite upset, But aught of base or mean hath never yet Been charged by any in reproach to you.
  9. The best he could do was work as hard as he could to ensure his actions appeared above reproach.
  10. All this tends to the prejudice of the truth and the corruption of history, nay more, to the reproach of the wits of Spain for foreigners who scrupulously observe the laws of the drama look upon us as barbarous and ignorant, when they see the absurdity and nonsense of the plays we produce.