English to nepali meaning of

"पहिचानयोग्य" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ हो: आफ्नो अघिल्लो ज्ञान, अनुभव, वा कुनै चीज वा कसैसँगको परिचितताको आधारमा पहिचान गर्न वा पहिचान गर्न सक्षम हुनु। यसले बुझाउँछ कि केहि वा कसैसँग विशिष्ट सुविधाहरू वा विशेषताहरू छन् जसले तिनीहरूलाई सजिलै चिन्न वा अरूबाट छुट्याउन सकिन्छ।


  1. recognisable
  2. placeable

Sentence Examples

  1. At first, they were playing instrumentals, some of which were recognizable American tunes.
  2. The remains of an old fortress sat half-sunk in a dune, recognizable by what had once been pillars along its outside.
  3. She was barely recognizable, having aged a great deal since he had seen her last.
  4. The crown would be easy enough to replicate, but it would still be recognizable.
  5. Great effort has been made, especially regarding those individuals who have recognizable positions with government, or publicly known organizations, mentioned herein, to insure they are not mistaken for past or present individuals in those positions.
  6. He had brought her back some very fine glass made by non-Adept hands, but the unsurpassed skill of a Shaper gifted with powerful abilities was immediately recognizable in every minute detail.
  7. While he had once thought his hair a Samson-like asset to his skating, he soon realized, as his face popped up on every news broadcast and Internet site, that his striking hair had become almost as recognizable as the banner he hefted.
  8. Janis could hear a female voice along the gruff edges, something soft and recognizable.
  9. The changes in Rozlynn were physically evident, but the changes in Drianna were only recognizable by those who knew her intimately.
  10. The faces he had seen this morning looked up at him, devoid of color and smiles, but still recognizable.