English to nepali meaning of

"रास्प" शब्दका दुईवटा मुख्य परिभाषाहरू छन्:काठ वा अन्य सामग्रीलाई आकार दिन वा चिल्लो बनाउन प्रयोग गरिने घर्षण सतहहरू भएको मोटो फाइल वा उपकरण। एक कठोर, ग्रेटिंग शोर वा आवाज, प्राय: कुनै चीजलाई सँगै घिसाएर वा स्क्र्याप गरेर बनाइन्छ।उदाहरण वाक्यहरू:उहाँले रफलाई चिल्लो पार्न रास्प प्रयोग गर्नुभयो। काठको कुर्सीका किनारहरू।खिया लागेको गेट खोलेको आवाज चर्को स्वरको साथमा आयो।

Sentence Examples

  1. The rasp of a Lucifer was followed by the sudden flare of a match.
  2. If he focused his hearing, there was still a slight rasp to her breathing.
  3. Not a normal cough as if from a person with a seasonal cold, but a sickening wet rasp as if one of the infected was coughing up its own throat.
  4. Almost immediately, he felt a jarring rasp as the bones reset themselves, and his crushed windpipe crunched back into shape.