English to nepali meaning of

शब्द "द्रुत" एउटा विशेषण हो जसले कुनै चीज भइरहेका वा द्रुत गतिमा वा ठूलो गतिमा भइरहेको वर्णन गर्दछ। यसले छोटो अवधिमा हुने वा विकास हुने कुरालाई पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ। यहाँ "द्रुत" शब्दको केही शब्दकोश परिभाषाहरू छन्:ह्यापेनिङ, मूभिङ, वा ठूलो गतिमा अभिनय गर्ने; द्रुत।उत्पन्न वा छिटो विकास; द्रुत-गति।गति वा द्रुतताको उच्च दर द्वारा विशेषता।हतार वा अत्यावश्यकता द्वारा चिन्हित।छोटो र तीव्र; क्षणिक।उदाहरण वाक्यहरू:कार राजमार्गमा तीव्र गतिमा बढ्यो।कम्पनीले मा तीव्र वृद्धि अनुभव गर्यो। यसको सञ्चालनको पहिलो वर्ष।बिरामीको अवस्था द्रुत गतिमा बिग्रियो।टिमले समयसीमा पूरा गर्न द्रुत दक्षताका साथ काम गर्यो।तूफान ल्यायो मौसम स्थितिमा द्रुत परिवर्तन।

Sentence Examples

  1. Opening the door he was forced to take a rapid step backward as Judith stumbled into the room, one hand holding a lit candle.
  2. Suddenly the stinger squirted out a blob of blue lava, but silver-hair rolled away and beneath her enormous body, slashing at her abdomen with rapid precision.
  3. Jack emerged after conducting the rapid transaction.
  4. Richard crossed to the steep stairs and began a rapid ascent.
  5. The young king had been dead less than an hour before the news of it began its rapid journey across England.
  6. She made a rapid exit, closing the door with a slam as Elizabeth rose to pursue her.
  7. His head bobbed as he did some sort of rapid eye movement thing, and then his eyes flew open and bore into mine with such ferocity, I accidentally whipped my hand away, and his head thudded to the pavement.
  8. Jack, intent on making a rapid exit, headed for the door in the corner and the steps leading to the sluice gates.
  9. Nobody was there to witness his transformation, an event so violent and rapid that it drew the disapproval of the neighbours in the property below.
  10. She folded down her thumb and flashed four fingers at them twice, in rapid succession.