English to nepali meaning of

"पुड्ल" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ सानो पोखरी वा तरल पदार्थको सङ्कलन हो, विशेष गरी वर्षाको पानी, जमिनमा। यसले पानी समात्ने सतहमा उथले अवसाद वा इन्डेन्टेसनलाई पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ। क्रियाको रूपमा, "पुड्ल" भनेको हिलो वा पानीको गडबडी बनाउनु, पानीमा वरिपरि छर्कनु वा माटो वा माटोलाई पानीमा मिलाएर यसलाई निर्माण वा माटोको भाँडोको लागि थप लचिलो बनाउनु हो।


  1. pool

Sentence Examples

  1. Douglas spotted the electrocuted officer in the puddle, the officers burnt face and torn flesh made Douglas quiver.
  2. A janitor worked his way through the group, pushing a bucket and mop toward a red puddle in the floor.
  3. He shot the first one coming at him and it fell into the puddle where he stood.
  4. However, when we got to the pathway outside the churchyard, where there was a puddle of water, remaining from the storm, I daubed my feet with mud, using each foot in turn on the other, so that as we went home, no one, in case we should meet any one, should notice my bare feet.
  5. A crimson smear trailed away from the puddle, streaking down the hallway and into an open door.
  6. Panicking, I dash, not noticing the puddle of mud at my feet, only to slip and fall on my butt with a thud.
  7. The boy stood in a puddle of urine clutching a teddy bear.
  8. To my amazement, the dog intervened and pounced on the guy, which sent him spiraling into a puddle.
  9. The entertainment center we bought at Walmart consisting of that lovely particle board had literally melted with the TV lying cracked in the middle of the puddle.
  10. I wanted to appear strong and brave, not as if I were ready to melt into a puddle at his feet.