English to nepali meaning of

शब्दकोशका अनुसार, "अश्लील" शब्द एक क्रियाविशेषण हो जसले कुनै अपमानजनक, अश्लील वा अशोभनीय तरिकाले गरेको वा प्रस्तुत गरेको वर्णन गर्दछ। यसले सामान्यतया व्यवहार, भाषा, वा इमेजरीलाई जनाउँछ जुन आपत्तिजनक, अश्लील, वा नैतिक रूपमा आपत्तिजनक छ। यसले अत्याधिकता वा चरम व्यवहारलाई पनि संकेत गर्न सक्छ जुन शिष्टताको सामाजिक स्तरहरूमा अनुपयुक्त वा आपत्तिजनक मानिन्छ।


  1. lewdly

Sentence Examples

  1. It was monstrous and obscenely powerful and evil beyond comprehension.
  2. They had a bulbous quality to them, and they stuck out from his face obscenely.
  3. Some of it was obscenely grizzly dental gold extracted from the bodies of gassed Jews in the camps.
  4. For Celestino it was an obscenely expensive outrage that had little to do with the environment and everything to do with big money showing off.