English to nepali meaning of

संज्ञाको रूपमा, "lute" का धेरै अर्थहरू छन्, जसमा निम्न समावेश छन्:लामो, झ्यालिएको घाँटी र नाशपाती आकारको शरीर भएको वाद्ययन्त्र, जसलाई सामान्यतया औँला वा प्लेक्ट्रमले निकालिन्छ। ;एक पदार्थ, प्राय: सिमेन्ट वा ग्लु, जोर्नीहरू सील गर्न वा पाइप, बॉयलर, आदिमा प्वालहरू प्याच गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ। तिनीहरूको गुणहरू परिवर्तन गर्न उच्च तापक्रम;एक पातलो, समतल, काठ वा प्लास्टिकको लचिलो पट्टी जुन ठाउँमा संगीत वाद्ययन्त्रको तार समात्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ। क्रियाको रूपमा, "lute" को अर्थ ल्युटसँग सील वा प्याच गर्नु वा ल्यूट वाद्ययन्त्र बजाउनु हो।

Sentence Examples

  1. After setting the floating pack down, she stood on the strap to keep the pack in place while she pulled the lute strap over her head.
  2. Hope stirred within as she fumbled for the lute, gathered it to her chest, and began to strum.
  3. Lyra glanced down at the lute, placed her fingers on the frets, and began to play.
  4. A lute with two broken strings vied for position with a pile of assorted bridles, candleholders, and two sooty oil lamps.
  5. Just before I fully digest what lies at the end of the corridor, we turn right into the massage rooms where soft lute music and lavender scents greet me at the door and a painting of a sublime owl above a waterfall hangs at the rear.
  6. There had been some scant entertainment provided by Judith, accompanied by one of her ladies on her lute.
  7. Over an hour had passed since he had disappeared with the lute.
  8. A stab of panic emerged, her pulse racing when she noticed a man with a lute on his back.
  9. Lyra bit her lip and stared at the lute in her hands, unsure if she ever dare play it.
  10. Lyra lowered the lute and looked down at it, struggling to keep her emotions in check.