English to nepali meaning of

"lope" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ लामो, बाउन्डिङ स्ट्राइडहरू समावेश गर्ने स्थिर, सजिलो चालको साथ दौडनु वा हिड्नु हो। यो प्रायः घोडा वा हिरण जस्ता निश्चित जनावरहरूको आन्दोलनको वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ, तर एक व्यक्ति दौडने वा छिटो र सहज रूपमा चल्ने तरिकालाई वर्णन गर्न पनि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ। "लोप" शब्दलाई विशेष प्रकारको चाल वा स्ट्राइडलाई जनाउन संज्ञाको रूपमा पनि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ।


  1. canter

Sentence Examples

  1. The dramatists who gathered round Lope as their leader regarded Cervantes as their common enemy, and it is plain that he was equally obnoxious to the other clique, the culto poets who had Gongora for their chief.
  2. Noa jerked her arm away and broke into a lope again.
  3. When Lope began to write for the stage is uncertain, but it was certainly after Cervantes went to Seville.
  4. Ducking her chin, she broke into a lope again, but she was grateful that she needed to stop and check to see if the coast was clear between clumps of vegetation and shadow.
  5. After she was settled, he took off at an easy lope.
  6. How completely they failed is manifest from the fact that with all his sanguine temperament and indomitable perseverance he was unable to maintain the struggle to gain a livelihood as a dramatist for more than three years nor was the rising popularity of Lope the cause, as is often said, notwithstanding his own words to the contrary.