English to nepali meaning of

"लिम्बो" शब्दको शब्दकोश अर्थ हो:(संज्ञा) अनिश्चितता वा उपेक्षाको अवस्था; एक मध्यवर्ती स्थान वा राज्य; दुई फरक अवस्था वा अवस्थाहरू बीचमा रहेको अवस्था। उदाहरण: आफ्नो जागिर गुमाएपछि, उसले आफूलाई अर्को के गर्ने भन्ने निश्चित नभएको अवस्थामा आफूलाई फेला पार्यो। विस्मरणको जहाँ बप्तिस्मा नगरिएका शिशुहरू र ख्रीष्टको आगमन अघि मरेका धर्मीहरूको आत्माहरू अवस्थित छन् भन्ने विश्वास गरिन्छ। उदाहरण: क्याथोलिक सिद्धान्तका अनुसार, लिम्बो भनेको बप्तिस्मा नगर्नेहरूका लागि अस्तित्वको अवस्था हो, तर अनन्त सजायको योग्य कुनै पाप नगरेको हो।(संज्ञा) a वेस्ट इन्डियन नृत्य जसमा नर्तक पछाडि झुक्छ र तेर्सो पट्टी मुनि जान्छ जुन क्रमशः निश्चित उचाइमा घटाइन्छ। उदाहरण: पार्टीमा, तिनीहरूको एक लिम्बो प्रतियोगिता थियो र विजेता बार अन्तर्गत धेरै तल जान सक्षम थिए।

Sentence Examples

  1. Show signs of life to all those other women, whose acquaintance had been put in parenthesis, invert-ed commas or under square brackets, or those with whom business had been left in limbo, in infancy or in the stage of innuendo.
  2. They believe he is in a state of limbo and needs his followers to awaken him.
  3. Yet, even in this strange limbo, the gray and black darkness engulfing me seemed to twist and move as if it was a monstrous snake that had completely coiled itself around me, squeezing me tighter and tighter.
  4. Maybe it was the disorientation of finding myself in a jungle when I had expected a prison, but I felt like half my mind was still caught in that limbo where the illusionist had dropped me with a single word.
  5. He smiled at the irony that the lessons from his years in Limbo should stand him in such good stead now.
  6. With the second flash of light, I became aware of something quite different in this strange limbo.
  7. Would she die, and die quickly, or was I doing nothing more than suspending her in a limbo of pain?
  8. We may be satisfied with some answers we have found, while others sit in limbo waiting to rise to the surface again, but what we need now is not an old question, but a new one, because our midlife is a crisis.
  9. Why did he stress the urgency of the meeting, only to keep us waiting in limbo this long?
  10. The occupants stuck in a limbo, waiting for the so-called rescue to make contact.