English to nepali meaning of

"जब्बरिङ" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा छिटो र नबुझेर कुरा गर्नु वा लगातार बकबक गर्नु हो। यसले चाँडो, अर्थहीन आवाजहरू बनाउने कार्यलाई पनि जनाउन सक्छ, जस्तै चराहरूको चहकिला वा बाँदरहरूको बकबक। शब्दको नकारात्मक अर्थ हुन सक्छ, जसको मतलब बोली कष्टप्रद छ वा सुसंगत छैन, तर यसले नकारात्मक अर्थ बिना छिटो, ऊर्जावान कुरालाई पनि वर्णन गर्न सक्छ।


  1. jabber
  2. gabble

Sentence Examples

  1. He felt like he had some fool in front of him jabbering at him in a foreign tongue.
  2. Moving to and fro with strained exertion, jabbering all the while, they were, with their swaying bodies, black faces, and glowing eyes, like strange and ugly fiends jigging heavily in the smoke.
  3. They started jabbering away in French, so I went to scope out the place again.
  4. He knew us by our countenances to be Englishmen, and jabbering to us in his own language, swore we should be tied back to back and thrown into the sea.
  5. There was hope, a way out of the factory possibly away from the hammering, the lifting and loading of heavy boxes, working the Komatsu monster and dealing with irritable types like Ray the jabbering, hungry-for-overtime-toilers and harassing foremen.