English to nepali meaning of

"अस्थिरता" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ अस्थिर हुनु, स्थिरता नभएको वा दृढतापूर्वक स्थापित नभएको गुण वा अवस्था हो। यसले सन्तुलन, बल, वा विश्वसनीयताको कमीलाई सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ, र शारीरिक, भावनात्मक, वा सामाजिक घटनाहरू वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ। अस्थिरताले परिवर्तन वा अप्रत्याशितताको प्रवृत्तिलाई पनि संकेत गर्न सक्छ, जसले अनिश्चितता वा परिस्थिति व्यवस्थापन गर्न कठिनाइ सिर्जना गर्न सक्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. Its instability startled me extremely, and I had a queer reminiscence of the childish days when I used to be forbidden to meddle.
  2. Waving a gun around could be mistaken as mental instability.
  3. Even those could be chalked up to mental instability and a solid gut if one were being realistic.
  4. Your instability makes it difficult to predict what you might do if I leave you to your own devices.
  5. But the instability of the trash made it more difficult.
  6. She was hurting, but in those days, no one spoke of mental instability.
  7. Then there was Luciano from Angola who would need all of his pastoral skills and spiritual perspective for starting up JA in a country coming out of many years of instability.