English to nepali meaning of

शब्दकोश "ग्राउन्ड्स" को अर्थ सन्दर्भ अनुसार फरक पर्न सक्छ, तर केही सामान्य परिभाषाहरूमा निम्न समावेश छन्:पृथ्वीको ठोस सतह, विशेष गरी पृथ्वीको सतहबाट भिन्न। समुद्र वा हावा।सतह सामग्री जसमा संरचना निर्माण वा अवस्थित छ।जमिन वा सम्पत्ति वरपरको र कुनै भवन वा भवनहरूको समूहसँग सम्बन्धित।भूमि वा स्थान जहाँ कुनै विशेष गतिविधि वा कार्यक्रम हुन्छ, जस्तै खेलकुद मैदान वा कन्सर्ट मैदान।कुनै कुराको तर्क वा औचित्य, जस्तै "खारेजीको आधार" वा "शङ्काको आधार।"कफी बनाएपछि बाँकी रहेको अवशेष। वा चिया, जसलाई "कफी मैदान" वा "चिया मैदान" पनि भनिन्छ।विश्वास वा कार्यको लागि आधार वा आधार, जस्तै "त्यसको आधारमा" वा "मा नैतिक आधार।"


  1. evidence

Sentence Examples

  1. Given that I now have new grounds for overturning an old decision, I am quite prepared to do so.
  2. Besides, to work in the tourism industry is to work for the enemy as far as Celestino is concerned, and that will be grounds for divorce.
  3. I sucked in my breath as we passed the arch leading towards the keep and entered the open grounds.
  4. On the other side of the roundabout the Cabildo sits grandly in its own formal grounds.
  5. The buildings and extensive grounds are as gorgeous as the artwork and because it received a grant from the Walton Family Foundation, entrance fees are waived to the main exhibit space.
  6. I was more than happy to visit our old stomping grounds.
  7. Set in its own grounds, the two-storey building has all the grandeur of old colonial days, with tall sash windows and verandas on each level.
  8. There were real grounds for supposing, as the Daily Telegraph said, that the thief did not belong to a professional band.
  9. Red palace guards stood on the roof and marched the grounds.
  10. There were no sounds within the house and no one outside on the grounds.