English to nepali meaning of

सन्दर्भमा आधारित "फुटिङ" शब्दको धेरै अर्थहरू छन्। यहाँ केही सम्भावित शब्दकोश परिभाषाहरू छन्:कसैको खुट्टामा उभिने, हिड्ने, वा दौडने कार्य वा प्रक्रिया।आधार वा आधार जसमा केही खडा हुन्छ वा समर्थन गरिन्छ .कसैको स्थिति वा स्थिति, विशेष गरी अरूको सम्बन्धमा।एक बलियो पकड वा होल्ड, विशेष गरी खुट्टा संग।एक इकाई इम्पेरियल प्रणालीमा ०.३०४८ मिटर बराबरको मापन, विशेष गरी घोडाहरूको उचाइ व्यक्त गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ।उदाहरण वाक्य:उसले आफ्नो खुट्टा गुमायो र खस्यो सिँढीहरू तल।घरको खुट्टा कंक्रिटको बनाइएको थियो।कम्पनी बलियो आर्थिक आधारमा छ।आरोहीको खुट्टा राम्रो थियो। चट्टानको अनुहार।घोडा १६ हात र खुट्टामा २ फिट उभियो।


  1. foothold

Sentence Examples

  1. I was banking on the Prime footing the bill as I saw it, he owed me.
  2. Struggling to remain upright and keep her footing, she spun her arms in a tilt-a-whirl motion.
  3. Eventually, he smiled back, once more on an even footing.
  4. The huge wolf howled and, losing its footing, crashed to the ground.
  5. He only just manages to turn back around without losing his footing and slipping to a certain death.
  6. Several times he lost his footing, stumbled, and went over on his ankle, not dramatically, but enough to send a twinge right up through his spine.
  7. When they reached the bottom of the gully, they scooped handfuls of water from a clear stream before tackling the loose footing of the next steep slope.
  8. We weaved in and out of monstrous evergreen trees, and I paid close attention to my footing, because occasionally exposed tree roots crossed the path.
  9. Many professionals in the construction industry have been seeking to gain footing in it, knowing that the owners are no longer around.
  10. One of them lost their footing and went tumbling down after his comrade, adding to the pile the first overseer had started.