"सीमित" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो: सीमा वा सीमाहरू भएको; अनन्त छैन; सीमाको सेट भित्र मापन योग्य वा गणना योग्य।
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Sentence Examples
Frigg saw the board and the pieces, thought about her turns, and yet, somehow never quite wrapped her mind around the finite possibilities of such a game.
The only thing that pulled the brakes on it was the finite, if now rel-atively greater, number of possible recipients.
He is finite, though he is powerful to do much harm and suffers not as we do.
It crushed them into the remotest recesses of their own minds, pressing out of them, like juices from the grape, all the false ardours and exaltations and undue self-values of the human soul, until they perceived themselves finite and small, specks and motes, moving with weak cunning and little wisdom amidst the play and inter-play of the great blind elements and forces.