English to nepali meaning of

"पूर्व" शब्दको धेरै अर्थहरू छन्:पश्चिमको विपरित दिशामा बिहान सूर्य उदाउने दिशा।पूर्वमा पर्ने क्षेत्रहरू अभिमुखीकरणको निर्दिष्ट वा निहित बिन्दु, जस्तै "संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको पूर्वी तट" वा "मध्य पूर्वका देशहरू।"निर्दिष्ट क्षेत्र वा देशको पूर्वी भाग, जस्तै "पूर्वी सहरको भाग" वा "राज्यको पूर्वी क्षेत्र।"ज्योतिष र सम्बन्धित क्षेत्रहरूमा, क्षितिजको बिन्दु जहाँ व्यक्तिको जन्मको समयमा सूर्य उदाउँछ, विशेष महत्त्व मानिन्छ। एक व्यक्तिको चरित्र वा भाग्य निर्धारण गर्नमा।क्रियापदको रूपमा, पूर्वतिर सर्नु वा यात्रा गर्नु।

Sentence Examples

  1. Though the original shell of the house was a wood-framed cabin, my parents had added many rooms, including a west and an east wing bookending the massive structure.
  2. The laptop screen goes black and his attention diverts to the view of the hill to the east and he finds himself idly counting palm trees.
  3. Making my way east in the direction of Arrieta, I take it steady through the village streets.
  4. Along the east shore, people picnicked in grassy spots.
  5. On Mondays, the village centre is always quiet, even at the intersection of the roads coming down from the north and the south and the road heading east, where cafes take advantage of the passing trade, and where villagers go about the business of the day, frequenting the supermarket, the florist, the town hall or the hardware store.
  6. I circled the block and found myself heading east, away from the warehouses, towards the sound of traffic.
  7. She was shocked to see a beach to the east, its shoreline just visible beyond the many fields surrounding the Fortress.
  8. Heaving the rucksack on my right shoulder, I limped down the track to the east and pushed on doors until I found one open.
  9. The cloud of mist that people sometime see around ten-thirty at night is believed to be a Conservatory student who somehow fell to her death from the east side upper terrace.
  10. At the town centre, with its small supermarket, bus stop and social club, a planting of mature eucalypts, many leaning heavily to the east, line the road.