English to nepali meaning of

"पृथक" शब्द एक क्रिया हो जसले एक चीजलाई अर्कोबाट अलग गर्ने वा विच्छेद गर्ने, वा यसको स्थान वा जडानबाट केही हटाउने कार्यलाई जनाउँछ। यसको अर्थ भावनात्मक वा मानसिक रूपमा आफूलाई परिस्थिति वा व्यक्तिबाट अलग गर्नु पनि हुन सक्छ। यहाँ "पृथक" को केहि शब्दकोश परिभाषाहरू छन्:कुनै कुराबाट अलग वा अलग गर्न: "उनले नोटबुकबाट पृष्ठहरू अलग गरिन्।"हटाउन वा अलग गर्न ठूलो एकाइबाट: "प्लम्बरले पर्खालबाट टुटेको पाइप अलग गर्यो।"आफूलाई भावनात्मक वा मानसिक रूपमा अलग गर्न: "उनले हिँड्न गएर कामको तनावबाट आफूलाई अलग गरे।" विच्छेदन वा विच्छेदन गर्न: "हाइकरले रूखको हाँगाबाट डोरीलाई अलग गर्यो।"सामान्यतया, "छुटाउन" भन्नाले कुनै चीज वा कसैसँग शारीरिक वा भावनात्मक विच्छेद वा विच्छेदलाई जनाउँछ। .

Sentence Examples

  1. Instead of despair, a hollowness began to take over as if his soul would detach itself to watch from a distance.
  2. She would notice her she would improve her she would detach her from her bad acquaintance, and introduce her into good society she would form her opinions and her manners.
  3. Then the figure, from whom she could not detach her eyes, and who appeared more protecting than menacing, took the glass, and walking towards the night-light held it up, as if to test its transparency.
  4. Her body seemed to detach itself from her mind, so she had no control over it.
  5. The duke and duchess hearing this, and guessing what it was, ran with all haste to his room, and as the poor gentleman was striving with all his might to detach the cat from his face, they opened the door with a master-key and went in with lights and witnessed the unequal combat.
  6. I shook my head, which felt like it had tried to detach itself from my neck.