"ढिलाइ भएको" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो: मूल रूपमा योजना गरिएको वा अपेक्षित भन्दा पछिको समयमा केहि गर्न। यसको अर्थ कुनै निश्चित समयभित्र पूरा हुने वा पूरा हुनै पर्ने कुराको प्रगतिमा ढिलाइ वा सुस्तता आएको हो।
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Sentence Examples
A soft-shoed foot moved automatically before she winced at the memory of her last visit indecision delayed her advance.
It turned out to be important, so I delayed my flight home.
It would have to take its chance of being delayed and delay would be fatal, with enemies on the track.
You know my pages were delayed last time due to a simple miscalculation.
If he delayed, there was the risk the air might shimmer again and present him once more with the horrors of Dark Ages warfare.
She had received a correspondence, delayed somewhat, from Wyatt who had urged her to move to the more fortifiable residence at Donnington.
She, as unsuspicious as I was of the treachery of Don Fernando, bade me try to return speedily, as she believed the fulfilment of our desires would be delayed only so long as my father put off speaking to hers.
For four days the baño was filled with people, for which reason the reed delayed its appearance for four days, but at the end of that time, when the baño was, as it generally was, empty, it appeared with the cloth so bulky that it promised a happy birth.
By a most fortunate chance his leaving Highbury had been delayed so as to bring him to her assistance at this critical moment.
I told them that one life was bad enough to lose, and that if they delayed they would sacrifice Miss Lucy.