English to nepali meaning of

शब्दकोशको अर्थ "निर्जलीकरण" कुनै चीजबाट पानी वा आर्द्रता गुमाउने प्रक्रिया हो, सामान्यतया जीवित जीव वा पदार्थ। जीवित जीवहरूको हकमा, पानीको कमी वा पानीको अत्यधिक कमी हुँदा डिहाइड्रेसन हुन सक्छ, जसले तिर्खा लाग्ने, मुख सुख्खा हुने, कालो पिसाब लाग्ने र थकान जस्ता लक्षणहरू निम्त्याउँछ। पदार्थको मामिलामा, निर्जलीकरणले पानीका अणुहरू हटाउनुलाई जनाउँछ, प्राय: तातो वा हावाको सम्पर्कबाट, जसले पदार्थलाई सुख्खा वा कम घुलनशील बनाउन सक्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. The pain flared whenever he turned his head, a sure sign of dehydration.
  2. He shows signs of malnourishment and dehydration to the point that his body is shutting down.
  3. Their symptoms included weight loss, listlessness, dehydration, fever and abnormal behavior.
  4. Lance could feel himself sweating again, concern over dehydration rearing in his mind.
  5. This combated dehydration, as they traveled beneath a desert sky.
  6. The man from Cutoff displayed symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration, despite the fact that the people of Cutoff observed him eating complete meals daily up until the day of the murder.