English to nepali meaning of

"निश्चित" शब्दको शब्दकोश अर्थ हो:विशेषण:निर्णायक वा अन्तिम; समाधान प्रदान गर्ने वा कुनै बहस वा अनिश्चितता समाप्त गर्ने। उदाहरण: "न्यायाधीशको निर्णय कानूनी विवादको निश्चित जवाफ थियो।"अधिकृत र पूर्ण; अरूको लागि मानक वा मोडेलको रूपमा सेवा गर्दै। उदाहरण: "यो पुस्तक पक्षी-निरीक्षणको लागि निश्चित गाइड मानिन्छ।"(चिकित्सामा) पूर्ण रूपमा विकसित वा परिपक्व; अब परिवर्तन वा परिवर्तन गर्न सक्षम छैन। उदाहरण: "रोगको निश्चित उपचार शल्यक्रिया हो।"संज्ञा:कुनै कुराको निश्चित संस्करण वा संस्करण। उदाहरण: "प्रकाशकले क्लासिक उपन्यासको नयाँ निश्चित संस्करण जारी गर्नुभयो।"


  1. authoritative

Sentence Examples

  1. Numerous theories have arisen over the years, but no definitive answers.
  2. The indistinct shapes on the horizon took the more definitive shapes of trees, and when the ground began to slope and the first splotches of greenery and life came within view I wanted to cry out in joy.
  3. Arthur called out to her, shouting, and as she sat up, paralyzed at his frenzied voice, she heard the definitive shriek of breaking glass.
  4. And while he had promised naught definitive in his clever wordplay, he would be locked into alliance if he married Frigg.
  5. Looking around again, Cadman noticed for the first time that the passageway streaming along in front of him appeared to have no definitive light sources, yet there was an ambient glow.
  6. I had a lot more thinking to do before I could make any definitive decisions.
  7. If we can find definitive proof that his mother did murder his father and that she and her conspirators covered it up, it might be enough to turn Lach.