English to nepali meaning of

"सिर्जनशीलता" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थले कल्पना र मौलिक विचारहरू प्रयोग गर्न सक्ने क्षमतालाई बुझाउँछ, चाहे त्यो कलाको काम होस्, उत्पादन होस्, समस्याको समाधान होस्, वा अभिव्यक्तिको अन्य कुनै रूप होस्। । यो आफ्नो सोच र कार्यमा आविष्कारशील, संसाधन, र नवीन हुनुको गुण हो। रचनात्मक व्यक्तिहरू प्रायः बाकस बाहिर सोच्न, जोखिम लिन, र चुनौतीहरूको अपरंपरागत समाधानहरूको साथ आउन सक्षम हुन्छन्। कला, डिजाइन, विज्ञान र व्यवसाय सहित धेरै क्षेत्रहरूमा रचनात्मकतालाई उच्च मूल्यवान सीप मानिन्छ।


  1. creativeness
  2. creative thinking

Sentence Examples

  1. Irene dissects the meal on the ride home, and of course finds the seafood lacking in freshness and creativity while thankfully Richard falls quiet in the front seat.
  2. With a spark of creativity, he altered the path to make a full circle, then continued in a tightening spiral.
  3. He rolled his eyes toward heaven in exasperation with his own lack of creativity.
  4. They think my work could improve worker morale and inspire creativity.
  5. A visceral sense of gratitude and creativity took hold of me.
  6. The result, an extended resume filled with only the events of our lives and with a little creativity we can stretch it to several volumes, filling the space we cleared on our shelves.
  7. She could already see herself in Chicago next fall, immersed in a world of endless creativity along with hundreds of other students just like her, laughing, sharing ideas.
  8. His first steps in prose writing came late, at some point in his fifties, at an age, that is, when others reach the zenith of their maturity and creativity.
  9. Television had a lot of potential for sharing ideas and creativity.
  10. It was a resentment I struggled to quell, ashamed to find myself one of those people who put money before creativity.