English to nepali meaning of

"माटो" एक संज्ञा हो जसले प्राकृतिक, माटोको सामग्रीलाई जनाउँछ जुन ओसिलो हुँदा प्लास्टिक हुन्छ तर फायर गर्दा कडा हुन्छ, र जुन मुख्यतया हाइड्रोस एल्युमिनियम सिलिकेट र अन्य खनिजहरूको सूक्ष्म कणहरूबाट बनेको हुन्छ। माटो सामान्यतया माटोका भाँडाहरू, ईंटहरू र विभिन्न प्रकारका सिरेमिकहरू बनाउनका साथै मोडेलिङ र मूर्तिकलाका लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. Orange blazed in the small windows, at the seals of the wooden front door on the lake side, and in scattered spots between the logs where the shrinking mortar clay fell out.
  2. Charlie was caught on the leg by a weight, a heavy clay of dead bodies fell as they were shot by the police.
  3. Somer exclaimed, made to stand quickly, and in the act knocked one of the clay lamps from the corner of his desk.
  4. Talent sticks fast to earth, and its most perfect works have still one foot of clay.
  5. At the small tables which were arranged about the room some thirty customers were drinking English beer, porter, gin, and brandy smoking, the while, long red clay pipes stuffed with little balls of opium mingled with essence of rose.
  6. The players Celestino carved out of clay, little figurines of islanders in native dress, a dog, a pirate ship and a high-domed wide-brimmed hat.
  7. And yet, this girl appears so real, down to the dark clay marring her shoes.
  8. The clay had been allowed to go a bit leathery by letting the rags that kept it moist become progressively dryer and dryer.
  9. There was a life-size clay head set up on a steel armature.
  10. It had the look of a dry grass prairie with a dusty clay brick building blocking most of the landscape.