English to nepali meaning of

"सेरेमोनियल" शब्दको शब्दकोश अर्थ औपचारिक समारोह वा अनुष्ठानसँग सम्बन्धित छ, जसमा सामान्यतया कार्य वा प्रक्रियाहरूको निर्धारित क्रम समावेश हुन्छ। यसले विशेष अवसर वा उद्देश्यको लागि समारोह वा औपचारिकताहरूको प्रयोगलाई पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ, प्रायः प्रतीकात्मक वा सांस्कृतिक महत्त्वको साथ। थप रूपमा, "औपचारिक" भनेको कुनै समारोहसँग सम्बन्धित वा प्रयोग गरिएको कुनै चीजको वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ, जस्तै औपचारिक कपडा, वस्तुहरू, वा सजावट।

Sentence Examples

  1. Yesterday had been the ceremonial presentation of the reeds to the Queen Mother.
  2. In kenjutsu they only used real swords for ceremonial performances.
  3. The youthful monarch was most eagerly anxious for amusements only twice during the journey had he been able to catch a glimpse of La Valliere, and, suspecting that his only opportunity of speaking to her would be after nightfall, in the gardens, and after the ceremonial of reception had been gone through, he had been very desirous to arrive at Vaux as early as possible.
  4. The count advanced, smiling, into the centre of the room, and approached Albert, who hastened towards him holding out his hand in a ceremonial manner.
  5. As he had already told him, he said, there was no chapel in the castle, nor was it needed for what remained to be done, for, as he understood the ceremonial of the order, the whole point of being dubbed a knight lay in the accolade and in the slap on the shoulder, and that could be administered in the middle of a field and that he had now done all that was needful as to watching the armour, for all requirements were satisfied by a watch of two hours only, while he had been more than four about it.
  6. de Mazarin, in exchange for Percerin supplying him with a full suit of ceremonial vestments as cardinal, one fine day slipped letters of nobility into his pocket.
  7. Still dressed in ceremonial gowns of white and silver, with faceted blue gems, Kallan stared across her room and out her window, to the north and Gunir.
  8. Soon afterwards Luscinda came out from an antechamber, attended by her mother and two of her damsels, arrayed and adorned as became her rank and beauty, and in full festival and ceremonial attire.
  9. The priestess, too, was having a ceremonial bath in that grotto when Corry and Vim barged in.
  10. The coffin was draped with the blue ceremonial flag of West Yorkshire Police, on top of which lay a small mountain of floral tributes, a white crucifix of carnations.