English to nepali meaning of

"कारमेल" शब्दले सामान्यतया कडा देखि भंगुर, सुनौलो-खैरो देखि गाढा-खैरो पदार्थलाई बुझाउँछ जसमा मीठो, अलिकति तितो स्वाद हुन्छ र चिनीलाई उच्च तापक्रममा तताएर बनाइन्छ। कारमेल प्रायः खाना र पेय पदार्थहरूमा स्वाद वा रंग लगाउने एजेन्टको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ, र यसलाई क्यान्डी र अन्य मिठाईहरूमा कन्फेक्शनरी घटकको रूपमा पनि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ। यो शब्दले हल्का खैरो रङलाई पनि जनाउन सक्छ जुन कारमेलको रङसँग मिल्दोजुल्दो छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. I closed my eyes and rolled that first taste around, bathing my taste buds in the buttery caramel flavor.
  2. We giggle like idiots, until Jack returns with triple chocolate brownies topped with homemade vanilla ice cream, caramel cheesecake, fruit tarts and oh my God crème brûlée laced with raspberries, accompanied by cups of espresso.
  3. Then the two stuck their sticks inside, lightening the liquid to a light caramel brown.
  4. So when Aunt Laura had opened the box and looked at the labels, she had aimed for a milk-chocolate truffle filled with caramel.
  5. Caramel light from the gas lamps softened the society.
  6. His eyes are large and dark gray, like thunderheads, his features chiseled into warm caramel skin, and his unruly mop of silver hair seems to float around his head.
  7. His skin is the color of the salted caramel ice cream at Bi-Rite Market, and his lips point to the dimple in his cheek.
  8. Fenway ordered a large latte and Rachel ordered a caramel macchiato.