English to nepali meaning of

"ब्लडशट" को डिक्शनरी परिभाषा भनेको रातो र सुन्निएको आँखा हुनु हो, सामान्यतया थकान, निद्राको कमी वा अत्याधिक रक्सी पिउनुको कारण।

Sentence Examples

  1. She placed her hands on his chest and raised bloodshot eyes to his.
  2. His eyes were large and bloodshot, and he now had huge canine fangs protruding from his massive maw.
  3. A bloodshot, yellowed eye peered in at me as if I were a mouse in a hole.
  4. From the bags under his bloodshot eyes, and his dried, chapped lips, the man had a worse hangover than Cam.
  5. Blood trickled from their green mottled skin and their eyes bloodshot with blackened veins.
  6. William is already waiting in the lobby, his eyes bloodshot.
  7. He turned and found himself staring into the bloodshot eyes of a scruffy little man.
  8. She appeared more composed and alert than she had the previous night, though her eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, her face and lips colorless.
  9. Bloodshot eyes darted around inside a face pale and slack, his hair matted with sweat.
  10. One of his tiny eyes cracked open, a bloodshot muddy pool.