English to nepali meaning of

"सुगन्धित" शब्दको शब्दकोश अर्थ हो: सुखद र विशिष्ट गन्ध वा सुगन्ध भएको। यसले बलियो र रमाइलो गन्ध भएको पदार्थलाई पनि बुझाउन सक्छ, विशेष गरी अत्तर वा खाना पकाउन प्रयोग गरिने पदार्थ। रसायनशास्त्रमा, "सुगन्धित" एक विशिष्ट रिंग आकारको संरचना र कडा गन्ध भएको जैविक यौगिकहरूको वर्गलाई वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिने शब्द हो।

Sentence Examples

  1. Aromatic smells of fresh herbs and spicy sausages and brewed coffee fill the room.
  2. A musky, aromatic wood almost impossible to break and incapable of burning.
  3. Sabienn was alive with sensation and his nostrils suddenly became full with the smell of gunpowder from the cannon, the aromatic pine of the bonfire and the unmistakeable odour of humans with sweat and urine.
  4. Sitting atop the dank smell of an unaired room is the faint odour of something sweet, aromatic with a hint of musk.
  5. The human woman stood on the other side of the bar counter Belah was seated at, chopping vegetables while her dragon mate stirred something aromatic in a pot.
  6. Mother snatched up the amphora and filled both bowls with an aromatic vintage that, when Athene leaned closer for a proper sniff, seemed imported from Illyris.
  7. There was a bonfire of burning aromatic logs at the furthest point from the stage with cordons to lead the faithful for the ritual book burning after the speeches.