English to nepali meaning of

"अनुप्रयोग" शब्दको शब्दकोश अर्थ हो:प्रयोग गर्नको लागि केही राख्ने कार्य, वा केहि लागू गर्ने प्रक्रियासामान्यतया औपचारिक अनुरोध लिखित रूपमा, कुनै कामको लागि, शैक्षिक कार्यक्रममा भर्ना, वा केही गर्न अनुमतिकुनै विशेष कार्य वा कार्यहरूको सेट गर्न डिजाइन गरिएको कम्प्युटर प्रोग्राम वा सफ्टवेयर कुनै विशेष सन्दर्भ वा परिस्थितिमा कुनै चीजको सान्दर्भिकता वा व्यावहारिकताऔषधि वा कस्मेटिक उत्पादन जस्ता विशेष उद्देश्यका लागि सतह वा शरीरको भागमा लागू गरिएको पदार्थ वा तयारी। /ol>

Sentence Examples

  1. Not exactly something I wanted to mention on the job application.
  2. Had I not seen the careful application of white paint she had used to conceal the shabbiness of her shoes they would have married.
  3. I had indeed spent some money and great labor in adapting the apparatus to the object intended, and confidently looked forward to its successful application, if I could manage to complete the voyage within any reasonable period.
  4. Circumstances, and a certain bias of mind, have led me to take interest in such riddles, and it may well be doubted whether human ingenuity can construct an enigma of the kind which human ingenuity may not, by proper application, resolve.
  5. To accomplish the great desideratum of ærial navigation, it was very generally supposed that some exceedingly complicated application must be made of some unusually profound principle in dynamics.
  6. But as to my letting her marry Robert Martin, it is impossible she has refused him, and so decidedly, I think, as must prevent any second application.
  7. In the centre was a wax seal, the blurred impression a testament to a hasty application.
  8. His letters, of which the constant application for autographs has taken from us, we are sorry to confess, the greater portion, exhibited this quality very strongly.
  9. The desk top is empty save for his computer and, open atop his keyboard, the letter acknowledging receipt of his application to secure a commission of indigenous artworks for La Mareta, a stately home soon to be opened to the public.
  10. The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets.