English to hindi meaning of

शब्द "परिवेश" उन वस्तुओं, लोगों या स्थितियों को संदर्भित करता है जो किसी विशेष व्यक्ति, स्थान या चीज़ के आसपास के क्षेत्र या वातावरण में मौजूद हैं। इसमें तत्काल या आस-पास के भौतिक, प्राकृतिक या सामाजिक तत्व शामिल हैं जो किसी दिए गए स्थान या व्यक्ति के निकट मौजूद हैं। यह उस समग्र संदर्भ या सेटिंग का वर्णन करता है जिसमें कुछ या कोई व्यक्ति मौजूद है। यह शब्द किसी व्यक्ति की धारणा, व्यवहार या भलाई या किसी स्थान के समग्र वातावरण पर आसपास के प्रभाव या प्रभाव का भी संकेत दे सकता है।


  1. surround
  2. environment
  3. environs

Sentence Examples

  1. Arantay blinked as the colours were sucked from his surroundings.
  2. Even as the harrowing situation of the last week holds me in its grip, I can still take time to appreciate my surroundings.
  3. At least I have a chance to take in the surroundings.
  4. Progress smells sweet, masking the unpleasantness of his present surroundings.
  5. Without a word Arantay proceeded up the nearest staircase, leaving her little time to take in the strange surroundings.
  6. They are too big, too high, too out of keeping with their surroundings and constructed without the necessary permissions.
  7. It was as if he were preternaturally aware of everything in his surroundings, which she supposed was the case, given his Enforcer abilities.
  8. I survey the surroundings, taking in the rise and fall of the massif, the bumps, creases and folds.
  9. He was unafraid of his surroundings, plowing through tall fields of hay or dense forests without any idea where he was headed, not the least bit perturbed by bugs flying into his eyes or seeds up his nose.
  10. Once the initial shock of my surroundings wore off, I stretched and grunted at the crunch in my lower spine from sleeping on the firmest mattress known to man.