English to hindi meaning of

"स्क्वाट" शब्द के संदर्भ के आधार पर अलग-अलग अर्थ हो सकते हैं। यहां "स्क्वैट" की कुछ संभावित शब्दकोषीय परिभाषाएं दी गई हैं:घुटनों को मोड़कर और नितंबों को एड़ियों के पास रखकर या एड़ियों को छूकर झुकना।एक टुकड़े पर कब्जा करना बिना अनुमति या कानूनी अधिकार के भूमि या संपत्ति।किसी स्थान या क्षेत्र में बसना या बसना, अक्सर अस्थायी रूप से और बिना अनुमति के।एक प्रकार का व्यायाम जिसमें शरीर को एक स्थिति में नीचे झुकाना शामिल होता है जहां कूल्हे घुटनों से नीचे होते हैं और फिर वापस ऊपर खड़े हो जाते हैं।आकार में छोटा और मोटा या निचला और चौड़ा।एक छोटा या तंग आवास या रहने की जगह।


  1. diddley
  2. diddly
  3. diddly-shit
  4. diddly-squat
  5. diddlyshit
  6. diddlysquat
  7. jack
  8. doodly-squat
  9. shit

Sentence Examples

  1. I locate a phone in the mess on the kitchen bench and squat on the kitchen floor before the girls.
  2. It was short and squat, its pink hide covered with brown, wiry hair.
  3. Its shape was vaguely human, with short, squat legs, a round gut, and long spindly arms that flailed on either side.
  4. Unless they were telling the truth, and just wanted a place to squat in for the day.
  5. He left the lights off as he shuffled through the place, making sure no one else decided to squat there.
  6. He gets a trophy for basically sticking his face in a fan, and I got squat for designing a work of actual art.
  7. Beyond stood the Grade II listed building, its squat tower with crenellations seeming to him to be out of proportion to the long, buttressed body of the church.
  8. The costume, the beard, and the fat squat figure of the new governor astonished all those who were not in on the secret, and even all who were, and they were not a few.
  9. thought a squat woman as she shuffled past, a deep frown aimed at me.
  10. The negro obeyed him promptly, and apparently with but little trouble ascending higher and higher, until no glimpse of his squat figure could be obtained through the dense foliage which enveloped it.