English to hindi meaning of

शब्दकोश में "पट्टिका" का अर्थ धातु, पत्थर या अन्य सामग्री का एक सपाट, पतला और अक्सर आयताकार टुकड़ा होता है, जिस पर आमतौर पर एक शिलालेख या डिज़ाइन होता है, जिसे एक स्मारक के रूप में दीवार या अन्य सतह पर चिपकाया जाता है। या सजावटी वस्तु. यह किसी सतह पर किसी पदार्थ के जमाव को भी संदर्भित कर सकता है, जैसे दांतों पर दंत पट्टिका या धमनियों में एथेरोस्क्लोरोटिक पट्टिका। इसके अतिरिक्त, "प्लाक" मस्तिष्क जैसे किसी शारीरिक अंग पर या उसके भीतर असामान्य ऊतक के एक पैच को संदर्भित कर सकता है, जैसा कि अल्जाइमर रोग के मामले में होता है।


  1. brass
  2. memorial tablet

Sentence Examples

  1. They walked up the track to the side of the hill towards the monument which comprised of a massive stone piece placed in the ground with inscriptions on a plaque added.
  2. Jake had noticed the CAMRA plaque outside the door and looked with appreciation at the line of pumps before selecting a pint of craft beer.
  3. A plaque with the Scholarship Fair winners of the past years rested on its back near the corner of the case.
  4. As they crossed the street they passed a large boulder bearing a large brass plaque.
  5. Katie shook it, accepted the plaque, and some piece of paper, the stage lights hot and blinding.
  6. A plaque depicting WELCOME TO SEACROFT was attached to a lump of rock, oddly out of place amidst the pebbledash exteriors of the tower blocks.
  7. Even imprisoned in this dark room, she managed a slight smile as she thought back to the small plaque hanging on her kitchen wall.
  8. Fontana degli angeli was the inscription on the gold plaque adorning it.
  9. A gold-plated plaque was placed above the doorway behind the desk.
  10. The rock was bathed in bright sunlight and the letters on the plaque which he began to read were easily discernable.