English to hindi meaning of

शब्द "सदस्यता" किसी समूह, संगठन, समाज या किसी अन्य सामूहिक इकाई का सदस्य होने की स्थिति या स्थिति को संदर्भित करता है। यह उस सदस्यता से जुड़े अधिकारों, विशेषाधिकारों और जिम्मेदारियों के द्वारा किसी विशेष समूह से संबंधित होने या उसमें भाग लेने के कार्य को दर्शाता है। सदस्यता में आम तौर पर किसी समूह में शामिल होना या स्वीकार किया जाना शामिल होता है, और इसका तात्पर्य अक्सर उस समूह के साथ चल रहे जुड़ाव या संबद्धता से होता है।

Sentence Examples

  1. If I lived through tonight, I was getting a gym membership.
  2. Kevin had a membership, which meant I could visit any time I wanted.
  3. The JA vice president for Africa had sent out an e-mail to JA World-wide that the Democratic Republic of Congo would be the ninth JA member nation in Africa, and Swaziland and Gambia had become JA affiliates with plans for eventual full membership.
  4. With his bow strapped to his back, Atticus was sure that Dylan was heading to the nearby indoor archery range where the boys had a membership.
  5. If I was right, someone out there was homiciding his way through the membership of the Temple of Majesty, dragging me through the blood behind like a prospector pulling a stubborn mule, but never letting me catch up.
  6. Though not proud of my youthful exuberance, I admit membership in the Viking Council of the Mystic Brotherhood.
  7. The camera view switched to show a huge audience full of smiling people enthusiastically clapping, including the full membership of the Congress of Representatives, who occupied the first few rows.
  8. That was what paid the rent, bought my beer, and covered the gym membership.
  9. There was a supposed membership form to the Chard Liberation Army or CLA, a paramilitary group up in the northern province devoted to sabotage and becoming a separate state, with an old photo that looked like it had been taken from a primary school line-up.
  10. Membership in a House, no matter how lowly, guaranteed a person some level of influence.