English to hindi meaning of

शब्दकोश में "लाइकेन" शब्द का अर्थ एक मिश्रित जीव है जो पारस्परिक संबंध में कई कवक के तंतुओं के बीच रहने वाले शैवाल या साइनोबैक्टीरिया से उत्पन्न होता है। लाइकेन रंगों, बनावटों और रूपों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला में आते हैं, और वे चट्टानों, पेड़ों और मिट्टी सहित विभिन्न सब्सट्रेट्स पर बढ़ सकते हैं। लाइकेन कई पारिस्थितिक तंत्रों का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं और पर्यावरणीय स्वास्थ्य के संकेतक के रूप में काम कर सकते हैं।

Sentence Examples

  1. Clambering upward among moss and lichen, refusing to acknowledge her negligible cuts and bruises, every step proves effort brings success.
  2. I pressed my mouth into the log and allowed the spongy lichen to absorb my cries of horror.
  3. Rolling earth buried in lichen extended over the land, save for a distinct line of smoke that billowed from a hill of moss.
  4. A place so ancient the single stone keep, and its surrounding heavy stone walls were covered in tough mountain lichen in tenacious carpets of light green.
  5. Barren tundra grass blanketed the rocky earth in places, giving the illusion that the ground was soft beneath the red tundra willow and reindeer lichen.
  6. Occasionally the marks were hidden under tufts of myrtle, which spread into large bushes laden with blossoms, or beneath parasitical lichen.
  7. More than nine hundred reindeer surrounded the camp, pulling at the lichen on the ground, honking and grazing, while others lingered at the river for a drink.
  8. In the distance, through the mounds, the only sign of life spilled through the slip-shod planks, blanketed in peat moss and lichen in what was the dilapidated remains of a long-house.
  9. All of them were covered in thick moss and lichen, which thrived on their granite surfaces.
  10. Hot liquid splattered onto the moss and lichen and dribbled down to the ground.