English to hindi meaning of

शब्दकोश में "खुजली" शब्द का अर्थ है त्वचा पर असुविधाजनक अनुभूति होना या उत्पन्न होना जिसके कारण खुजलाने की इच्छा होती है। यह एक बेचैन या अधीरता की भावना को भी संदर्भित कर सकता है, जो अक्सर किसी स्थिति के बारे में कार्रवाई करने या कुछ करने के आवेग के साथ होती है।

Sentence Examples

  1. Reaching down to scratch the itchy growth, she pushed aside thoughts of why it had happened, or even how, and concentrated on what she had to do.
  2. I was dripping with sweat, and my arms were itchy from hay scratches.
  3. Nella was nervous and itchy, she wanted to fly back to the prison and search Dr.
  4. I rubbed the back of my neck, suddenly hot and itchy.
  5. My face felt less swollen, the itchy cuts that covered my arms and legs no longer bothered me, and my sore chest and stomach relaxed into blissful normality.
  6. He felt itchy, exhausted, and grateful to be alive.
  7. The cloth was coarse and itchy, and the already stifling atmosphere was unbearable under its weight.