English to hindi meaning of

डंपस्टर एक बड़ा कचरा पात्र है जिसे कचरा ट्रक में खाली करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। यह शब्द डेम्पस्टर ब्रदर्स के नाम से लिया गया है, जो एक अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन कंपनी है जिसने सबसे पहले इस प्रकार के कंटेनर का निर्माण किया था। निर्माता की परवाह किए बिना, "डंपस्टर" का उपयोग अक्सर किसी भी बड़े, औद्योगिक कचरा बिन को संदर्भित करने के लिए किया जाता है।

Sentence Examples

  1. They had to break the padlock on the storm drain gate, but that was, by this time, a simple task with the crowbar Lance had found in a dumpster.
  2. What looked like two feet, twisted up, were sticking out from behind the industrial dumpster.
  3. A small, lean boy appeared at the mouth of an alley and darted quickly into the protective shadows behind a large dumpster.
  4. Lance inched his way around the dumpster, his wide eyes fixed upon those boots.
  5. As Arthur neared City Hall, he noted a large dumpster off to one side of the building.
  6. There was trash scattered around the overflowing dumpster.
  7. He drove around the back and found a spot behind a dumpster, concealing his car from most of the building.
  8. The face was covered by a plastic bag that had probably fallen from the overfull dumpster.
  9. She tugged me into the side alley and behind a large dumpster.
  10. As Lance wandered about The Hub, he observed various boys practicing with weapons or lifting the weights Jack had found tossed in a dumpster.