English to hindi meaning of

शब्दकोश के अनुसार, "चीन" कुछ अलग चीजों को संदर्भित कर सकता है:पूर्वी एशिया में एक देश, जिसे आधिकारिक तौर पर पीपुल्स रिपब्लिक ऑफ चाइना के रूप में जाना जाता है, जिसकी आबादी 1.4 से अधिक है अरब लोग।चीन में उत्पादित चीनी मिट्टी के बरतन या अन्य सिरेमिक, या उनसे बने व्यंजन।एक बढ़िया सफेद या पारभासी विट्रीफाइड सिरेमिक सामग्री।माना जाता है कि "चीन" शब्द मूल रूप से फ़ारसी शब्द "चिन" से आया है, जो कि क्यून राजवंश को संदर्भित करता है जिसने तीसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में चीन में शासन किया था।

Sentence Examples

  1. The China, for Liverpool, had started three-quarters of an hour before!
  2. Hong Kong was the last English ground on which he would set foot beyond, China, Japan, America offered to Fogg an almost certain refuge.
  3. You were only going to Bombay, and here you are in China.
  4. The varied landscape afforded by the Andaman Islands was soon passed, however, and the Rangoon rapidly approached the Straits of Malacca, which gave access to the China seas.
  5. The captain as often as possible put up his sails, and under the double action of steam and sail the vessel made rapid progress along the coasts of Anam and Cochin China.
  6. This is an important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between North America, China, Japan, and the Oriental islands put in.
  7. The brash clang of metal against china made our silence more awkward.
  8. Several sailors, who were evidently accustomed to this sort of scene, carried the poor Frenchman down into the second cabin, and Passepartout did not wake until they were one hundred and fifty miles away from China.
  9. If Phileas Fogg had left in the China, one of the fastest steamers on the Atlantic, he would have reached Liverpool, and then London, within the period agreed upon.
  10. to do a piece on a Smithsonian building being refurbished and then on to China.