English to hindi meaning of

शब्दकोश में "बास्क" शब्द की परिभाषा झूठ बोलना या अपने आप को गर्मी या रोशनी में उजागर करना है, आमतौर पर विश्राम या आनंद के लिए। इसका मतलब आनंद लेना और (किसी सुखद चीज़) का अधिकतम लाभ उठाना भी हो सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, "बिल्ली धूप सेंक रही थी" या "वह अपनी सफलता का आनंद ले रही थी।"

Sentence Examples

  1. Beaming with pride, Lance led the procession up the street toward the pizza parlor, leaving the cheering locals behind to bask in their good fortune.
  2. I would have wished myself back onto the beach, where I could bask in blissful ignorance.
  3. Like a wilted flower exposed to the sun at long last, she had directed her face toward him, eager to bask in the light.
  4. Nella was uneasy as she watched Ann bask in the golden day of early spring.