English to hindi meaning of

शब्दकोश में "आर्मफुल" शब्द की परिभाषा है "जितना हाथ या भुजाओं में पकड़ा या ले जाया जा सके।" यह किसी चीज़ की मात्रा या मात्रा को संदर्भित करता है जिसे एक या दोनों हाथों से आराम से पकड़ा या ले जाया जा सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, कोई कह सकता है कि उनके पास मुट्ठी भर किताबें हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि वे उतनी ही किताबें ले जा रहे हैं जितनी वे आराम से अपनी बाहों में रख सकते हैं।

Sentence Examples

  1. By the time I finished tying up and watering him, Yonaton came back with a double armful of wood.
  2. Rising, Patrum stepped into the next room and returned with an armful of coarse cloaks.
  3. The next morning he gathered an armful of pieces of slate and began.
  4. Yonaton stood at the edge of the trees, grasping an armful of branches, watching us closely.
  5. They were so familiar that at length one alighted on an armful of wood which I was carrying in, and pecked at the sticks without fear.
  6. As we ascended through the trees, I gathered an armful of firewood.
  7. Then he stood there with an armful of weeping woman and no idea of what to do with her.
  8. With an armful of dark metallic rocks, she returned to the debris that blocked the tunnel, and carefully stacked them into a pile.