English to hebrew meaning of

המילה "ספיר" היא שם עצם המתייחס בדרך כלל לאדוארד ספיר, אנתרופולוג ובלשן אמריקאי שתרם תרומה משמעותית לתחומי הבלשנות והאנתרופולוגיה בתחילת המאה ה-20.עם זאת, למילה "ספיר" עצמה אין משמעות מילונית מוכרת כמילה עצמאית. זה עשוי להיות שם משפחה או בשימוש בהקשרים אחרים כשם עצם, אך הוא אינו משמש בדרך כלל כמילה רגילה בשפה האנגלית.


  1. edward sapir

Sentence Examples

  1. Hawke had bought us passage to a town he called Sapir but told me it would take us days to get there.
  2. It was on that day that we finally caught sight of the first signs of human habitation we had since leaving Sapir.
  3. He had purchased a few more in Sapir after the one he had originally acquired held no more challenge.
  4. Where Changirah had been surrounded with high sturdy walls and the gates guarded by fearsome armor-clad warriors, Sapir had little more than an archway that declared entrance to the city.
  5. This town was far different from what I had been used to after seeing the likes of Changirah and Sapir.
  6. Cost the town a pretty ruple, they did had to be made in Sapir and sent across that damn desert.
  7. As we approached Sapir, I got to see for the first time just how different two towns could be from each other.