English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "חיטוט" היא חיפוש דרך משהו בצורה יסודית ולעתים קרובות לא מסודרת, בדרך כלל על ידי תנועה ועיון בתוכנו. זה יכול להתייחס גם לפעולת החיפוש אחר משהו בצורה לא מסודרת או אקראית. בנוסף, "חיטוט" יכול לשמש כשם עצם כדי לתאר חיפוש יסודי במשהו, במיוחד אוסף של פריטים או מקום שבו דברים מאוחסנים.


  1. ransacking

Sentence Examples

  1. She climbed out of bed to rummage through her bag before she picked out a clean set of spare clothes to change into.
  2. Her fingertips were soon covered with painful red dots and she rose to rummage through her wicker baskets in search of a thimble.
  3. A quick rummage produced the gold and moonstone ring, which he tucked into his pocket.
  4. Hoping to locate the spare key to the mill house, I rummage through the bottom kitchen drawer.
  5. I had to rummage around a bit, but I finally found a cupboard with a few bottles of alcohol.
  6. I reach for the water bottle, careful to take only a sip, then rummage in the rucksack for the other half of the protein bar I ate last night.
  7. The first shirt I tried on made my wings ache, so I had to rummage through my closet to find a shirt with a low enough back for my wings to be free.
  8. Ada went to one of the armoires and began to rummage through it.