English to hebrew meaning of

המשמעות המילונית של המילה "עושר" היא האיכות או המצב של להיות עשיר, אמיד או עשיר, או השפע או המלאות של משהו, כגון משאבים, צבעים, טעמים או פרטים. זה יכול גם להתייחס למגוון, למורכבות או לעומק של דבר, כגון שפה, תרבות או יצירה אמנותית, או לעוצמה, ליופי או לעוצמה של צליל, קול או רגש. באופן כללי, "עושר" מסמל תחושה של שפע, גיוון או מצוינות, וניתן להשתמש בו כדי לתאר היבטים חומריים ולא חומריים של החיים.


  1. grandness
  2. impressiveness
  3. magnificence

Sentence Examples

  1. Happily, I may say that I utter nothing but the thoughts and the wishes of the King of Israel himself for though the times may call for some slight changes, yet does this version which we use in the colonies of New England so much exceed all other versions, that, by its richness, its exactness, and its spiritual simplicity, it approacheth, as near as may be, to the great work of the inspired writer.
  2. His language has the richness and sententious fullness of the Chinese.
  3. Regan was impressed at the richness of the fare and genuinely did regret that Radolf could not be there to sample the delicacies.
  4. Daylight highlighted the richness of the colors and the quality of the workmanship, creating a pleasant effect, but when the light was low the room had always struck Cianne as oppressive.
  5. With her faded clothes and tousled hair, she was a stark contrast to the richness of her surroundings.
  6. I took in only the smoky bitterness of the coffee, and the bite of the alcohol, and the heady richness of the cream.
  7. He had started to suspect that his venerable father and his other teachers, that the wise Brahmans had already revealed to him the most and best of their wisdom, that they had already filled his expecting vessel with their richness, and the vessel was not full, the spirit was not content, the soul was not calm, the heart was not satisfied.
  8. It would appear that the God or Creator of our understanding has created a variety and richness in our world, and would be pleased that we choose to undertake a spiritual journey at all, rather than decide only one way is correct.
  9. She closed her eyes, savoring the flavor and thinking how well the lingering mood from the music was complemented by the richness of the drink.
  10. The open sympathy of the listeners stirred the spirit of the votary of music, whose voice regained its richness and volume, without losing that touching softness which proved its secret charm.