English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "מופחת" היא לעשות משהו קטן יותר בגודל, בכמות, במספר או בדרגה. זה יכול להיות גם לפשט או לייעל משהו, או להוריד את המחיר, הערך או החשיבות של משהו. בנוסף, זה יכול להתייחס לשינוי פיזיקלי או כימי שבו חומר מאבד אלקטרונים או מימן, וכתוצאה מכך ירידה במצב החמצון או הערכיות שלו.


  1. decreased

Sentence Examples

  1. The officer was reduced to a snail jog and almost tripped as he equipped his taser from his leg, it was black and yellow and loaded.
  2. As big as he was, the gargantuan Guraah was reduced to an empty husk in seconds as the Scarada sucked out his innards.
  3. The world disappeared around us, reduced to the sound of his fast-beating heart against mine, to the seconds as I tilted my head and our lips met in a surge of electricity infinitely better than magic.
  4. The state of perplexity to which Camilla reduced Lothario was such that he was unable to utter a word in reply, still less to decide upon what he should do.
  5. The impossibility of egress, by means already stated, being thus absolute, we are reduced to the windows.
  6. Such are the things that men are wont to attempt, and there is honour, glory, gain, in attempting them, however full of difficulty and peril they may be but that which thou sayest it is thy wish to attempt and carry out will not win thee the glory of God nor the blessings of fortune nor fame among men for even if the issue be as thou wouldst have it, thou wilt be no happier, richer, or more honoured than thou art this moment and if it be otherwise thou wilt be reduced to misery greater than can be imagined, for then it will avail thee nothing to reflect that no one is aware of the misfortune that has befallen thee it will suffice to torture and crush thee that thou knowest it thyself.
  7. He was of an ancient Huguenot family, and had once been wealthy but a series of misfortunes had reduced him to want.
  8. The bustling little town I was promised had been reduced to a ruined husk filled with paranoia and death.
  9. True it is I am a gentleman of known house, of estate and property, and entitled to the five hundred sueldos mulet and it may be that the sage who shall write my history will so clear up my ancestry and pedigree that I may find myself fifth or sixth in descent from a king for I would have thee know, Sancho, that there are two kinds of lineages in the world some there be tracing and deriving their descent from kings and princes, whom time has reduced little by little until they end in a point like a pyramid upside down and others who spring from the common herd and go on rising step by step until they come to be great lords so that the difference is that the one were what they no longer are, and the others are what they formerly were not.
  10. She had met him three times and he had reduced her to tears on two of them.