English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "הפללה" היא לגרום למישהו להיראות אשם בפשע או בעוולה, במיוחד על ידי מתן ראיות או הוכחות. זה יכול להתייחס גם למעשה של האשמת מישהו בפשע או בעוולה.


  1. criminate
  2. accuse
  3. impeach

Sentence Examples

  1. More especially if he thought Agnes had evidence, which might incriminate him.
  2. Nothing else surfaced that had the potential to incriminate me.
  3. Maybe if he picked it up and looked at the stored photographs and found nothing to incriminate him he would leave her alone.
  4. Enough to point them at the correct people, but not incriminate me in supplying the information.