English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "מהסס" היא לעצור או להתאפק באי ודאות או חוסר החלטיות, להסס או להסס לפעול או לדבר. זה יכול להיות גם לדבר או לפעול מתוך חוסר ביטחון או להיות לא בטוח במעשיו או בהחלטותיו. המונח "מהסס" מרמז על מצב של ספק, חוסר החלטיות או חוסר ודאות, הגורם לרוב לעיכוב בפעולה או לחוסר הרשעה.


  1. hesitant

Sentence Examples

  1. For once, the Chiefman was hesitating over what to say next.
  2. The detective passed his hand across his forehead, hesitating before he spoke again.
  3. Not hesitating to check the rest of the building, they both ran for the door they entered, but it was barred with a security bar.
  4. Cianne plunged down first without hesitating, and Kila followed suit.
  5. Veridian pulled up beside her, hesitating before dismounting.
  6. After a long moment, he stood up, took the few steps to me hesitantly, then, more hesitating still, he took my hands and lifted me up.
  7. I stopped about a yard from the reactor, hesitating to approach it.
  8. We had to leave now, without hesitating, and without worrying about the black Great Wings above us if we were to escape this day unscathed.
  9. Mark sat in his car, knowing he should drive away but hesitating.
  10. Hesitating for a brief moment, she opened it to reveal a dark red hat.