English to hebrew meaning of

המשמעות המילונית של "במידה רבה" היא במידה רבה או במידה רבה; מְאוֹד. זהו ביטוי המשמש להדגשת מידת או היקפו של משהו. לדוגמה, "אני מאוד מעריך את עזרתך" פירושו "אני מעריך מאוד את עזרתך" או "אני מעריך את עזרתך במידה רבה."

Sentence Examples

  1. The man had a quick mind and was incredibly devious, two traits she greatly admired.
  2. Sir Francis was a tall, fair man of fifty, who had greatly distinguished himself in the last Sepoy revolt.
  3. Then he remembered Sheila, he missed her greatly, even more than Molly.
  4. Anything thou can spare will aid greatly our crusade.
  5. However, like all adults, they greatly underestimated the power of young people when those young people wanted something badly enough.
  6. Ways that, from your scent even now, you will greatly enjoy.
  7. When my greatly pregnant sister sees me sprawled on the couch, feet splayed on the coffee table, beer in my right hand, she gives me a stare worthy of our mother.
  8. The English Government has succeeded in greatly diminishing these murders, though the Thuggees still exist, and pursue the exercise of their horrible rites.
  9. John was a firefighter who was greatly overdue a pay rise.
  10. Ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain, for he thought that the prize offered would greatly stimulate their zeal and activity.