English to hebrew meaning of

משמעות המילונית של המילה "ארון" היא חדר או ארון קטן המשמשים לאחסון בגדים או חפצים אישיים אחרים. זה יכול להתייחס גם לחדר פרטי או למקום של סודיות או פרטיות, שבו אדם יכול לסגת לזמן בודד או לבצע פעילויות מסוימות מבלי שיפריעו לו. בנוסף, המילה "ארון" יכולה לשמש כשם תואר לתיאור משהו שנשמר מוסתר או סודי, או מישהו שמסתיר את אמונתו או זהותו האמיתית.

Sentence Examples

  1. More likely she had flattened herself against the side of the building next to one of the windows, or was hiding in a closet in another room, ear pressed against a peephole she had previously drilled into the meeting chambers.
  2. Somehow the plastic I had wrapped them in, the proximity in the closet, it all helped to keep them safe.
  3. In a mad dash, I stumbled for the closet and glanced at the clock.
  4. I stand naked save for a towel before my tiny suitcase in this unusual alcove with no door that doubles for a closet, dripping on the lush Victorian carpet.
  5. Annie walks around the room nervously, wiping her palms on her jeans and looking inside the closet, the bathroom, behind the TV credenza as if Lori is playing hide and seek.
  6. I stumble over to the closet and throw on my black ensemble topped by a new outer layer, grab my purse and keys.
  7. It could have been a closet and I would have eagerly agreed.
  8. Then I rummaged through her closet and found a stylish, purple blouse that still had the REI tag in it.
  9. Sure, he still ran in circles when I brushed against his old leash hanging in the coat closet, but otherwise, he was officially a mountain dog.
  10. On the first floor were four large classrooms, each capable of seating at least thirty students, two single bathrooms, and a small supply closet.