English to hebrew meaning of

המשמעות המילונית של המילה "צלצול" היא צליל מתכתי שהוא חריף וחוזר על עצמו, בדרך כלל על ידי חפצים הפוגעים או פוגעים זה בזה, כגון שרשראות, כלים או מכונות. המילה "צלצול" יכולה להתייחס גם לפעולת הפקת הצליל הזה או הצליל עצמו.

Sentence Examples

  1. Then there was the sound of rattling chains and the clanking of massive bolts drawn back.
  2. The slaves scurried to Galk as he entered the Fortress, their chains clanking behind them as they yammered to serve him.
  3. This late, all I could hear was the unearthly howling of the wind, and the clanking of the radiator like a ghost dragging its chains.
  4. A louder rumbling opened up above my head, and I heard a clanking, drowning out that from below.
  5. Orantheio backed up under her desk, swishing his metal tail back and forth, clanking it against the wall and leg of the desk.
  6. For the first time I noticed the clanking, methodical, echoey clanking, from far below us.
  7. The massive noise of the reports filled the small space, drowning out the clanking of the shutters and the screams of the humans.
  8. The clanking blackness yawned below me like a maw, threatening to swallow me the moment I lost my grip.
  9. Chains and manacles fall to the ground with a heavy clanking.