English to hebrew meaning of

הגדרת המילון של המילה "שינוי" יכולה להשתנות בהתאם להקשר שבו היא משמשת. להלן כמה הגדרות נפוצות:להפוך או להפוך שונהלהחליף באחרלתת או לקבל כסף בערכים קטנים יותר בתמורה ל גדולים יותרהמעשה או המקרה של יצירת או הפיכה שונההבדל או שינויכסף שניתן או התקבל בתמורה לאותו סכום בצורה שונה , כגון מטבעות למטבע נייר.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was afraid she might change shapes in front of me.
  2. Not to change topics, but I had a question about Abby Monroe.
  3. Her distrust of the Alliance ran so deep, nothing I said would change her mind.
  4. Neither of them could change what they were, so they just had to accept it.
  5. When I found myself alert again, I caught wind of his change in topics on the stage.
  6. He waited until the werebull was too close to change direction before leaping out of the way, throwing the panther forward instead.
  7. Jordan finished his workout, then went to the locker room by five fifteen to shower and change.
  8. Before he could change the subject Cera did it for him.
  9. However, the change to their faces was the most appalling.
  10. Brooke shrank away from him, shielding her face with her arms as she felt a subtle change in the air.

TV Series Examples



You can't change him.



His Grace has had a change of heart



lf you'd like to change into something