English to hebrew meaning of

למילה "buck" יש מספר משמעויות בהתאם להקשר שבו היא משמשת. להלן כמה מההגדרות הנפוצות ביותר:(שם עצם) צבי זכר, בדרך כלל עם קרניים(פועל) לזוז או לטלטל בפתאומיות, במיוחד באופן שבו גורם לטלטלה או זעזוע(שם עצם) יחידת מטבע, במיוחד דולר(שם עצם) כינוי סלנג לצעיר בטוח, אסרטיבי ולעתים קרובות מרדן(פועל) להתנגד או להתנגד בתוקף למשהו או למישהוישנן משמעויות אחרות פחות נפוצות גם למילה "buck", אך אלו הן ההגדרות הנפוצות ביותר.

Sentence Examples

  1. An hour later she was sitting with the Hawken between her knees, wondering if Mourning would be angry when she told him why they were having griddle cakes for supper again, when a buck stepped into the clearing.
  2. I cleared my throat, squared my shoulders, and told myself to buck up.
  3. She soon came upon the buck, its visible eye looking like glass.
  4. Just plain tired of what he had to do to make a buck.
  5. Besides, with no ball or buck shot in them, it would be best to let the bodies lie as they were.
  6. Yes, Olivia thought, that would be a good place to hang the buck.
  7. She loaded the rifle again, left her journal and possibles bag beneath the tree and strode to where the buck had been standing.
  8. Both shirtless, they were walking on either side of Dixby, with the gutted buck slung over his back.
  9. Lance stopped moving back and gave his head and shoulders one final buck, tossing a torn magazine from his face.
  10. They were making a buck, and I was trying to make a buck.